Purcell, K. (2013, July 10). 10 Things To Know About How Teens Use Technology. Pew Research Internet Project. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from http://www.pewresearch.org
If you have a teen at home, you're probably wondering how much technology they use, how it affects them social and educationally and if your teen is responsible online. Well, teens and technology seem to go hand in hand now a days, the following 10 facts about teens and technology is very interesting.
1. Teens 12-17, social network site growth has slowed (particularly Facebook), but Twitter use is growing.
2. Teens are sharing more personal information online.
3. Teens do care about online privacy.
4. Today's teens take active steps to manage their online reputations.
5. Parents of teens are very aware that online content can impact their teen's lives.
6. Most teen's educational environments include the use of at least some digital technologies.
7. The Internet has altered how teens do research.
8. Digital tools can benefit teen's writing skills and abilities, according to teachers.
9. Teachers are divided as to whether "digital natives" are all that unique.
10. A digital divide persists in the area of education and technology.
46 pages
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